New Movie: Occupation Dreamland

There's a powerful new which details a few months of a platoon in Falluja. While it has a slightly anti-war feel to it, there is little to no narration, just real footage of the day to day actions of our troops over in Iraq and the soldiers themselves talking about their experiences. If you want to get a peak at what is happening over there, it's worth going to see. Right now it's just in NYC so make a point to go this weekend so they can prove that it has an audience.

Sept 23-25


Running Time 1:20

1:30p 3:30p 5:30p 7:30p 9:30p

In particular, when they asked the soldiers why they thought they were in Iraq, no one talked about democracy or WMD or fighting terrorism, but many of them mentioned oil. Some say peak oil is coming and no one knows about it. I think that might be a little naive.