Inside POET: A Conversation with the World's Largest Ethanol Producer

On July 17th I spent some time on the phone with POET's VP of Science and Technology Dr. Mark Stowers. (I was invited up for a visit, but I couldn't swing that just now). Dr. Stowers is in charge of company R&D, which includes corn and cellulose to ethanol, as well as the investigation of novel processes for utilizing waste to power their facilities.

Joining us on the call was Matt Merritt, POET's Media Relations Specialist. We covered a lot of ground on the call. Along with the environmental impact, key interests of mine in assessing fuels of any kind are the energy inputs – what kind, how much – and the related topic of logistics. I probed the energy inputs in some depth, as I consider that critical when considering long-term commercial feasibility.

First a bit of background on POET. They are the largest ethanol producer in the world, producing more than 1.5 billion gallons of ethanol each year from 26 production facilities across the country (each with its own nuances, I was told). They recently started up a 20,000 gal/yr pilot-scale cellulosic ethanol plant, which uses corn cobs as feedstock. Plans are to commercialize the process in 2011. They have named this effort Project Liberty.

My questions and Mark's answers below are paraphrased, but as I told them if they spot anything that I got wrong they can notify me and I will correct it. The format below includes questions, answers, and comments from me. Where the comment was part of the interview, it will appear as a prelude to a question or a comment in the follow-up as "RR: Comment.... Mark's answers will appear as "MS: Comments..." To distinguish from additional comments I might interject, I will indicate those with [RR: Comment...]

I first voiced my skepticism that cellulosic could ever make a huge impact, due to logistical issues and energy requirements. That was going to be a major thrust of the interview, but I started off with a related comment/question.

RR: Conditions in Texas have been really dry. We have had over a week with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees each day. There are a number of corn fields near my house, and the fields appear to be dead. How are conditions up north?

MS: Actually this will probably be one of the best years ever. We got rain when we needed it. Corn grew 6 inches overnight recently. In Sioux Falls right now the temperature is 70 degrees.

RR: OK, let's move on to your process. Can you start by walking me through your cellulosic ethanol process?

MS: Our cellulosic process is based on corn cobs. We have harvested 25,000 acres over the past couple of years. We are currently still trying to work out harvesting and storage. The yield of cobs is 0.65 tons/acre, and we can collect them commingled with grain with a modified combine. Or we can collect them with stover coming out of the back of the combine. The bulk density for cobs is higher than for stover, and that makes them easier to separate. We store at the farm field edge currently and can collect over the following 6-9 months. We make sure sufficient stover is left on the field for erosion control and nutrition. We are focused on cobs because the bulk density for cobs is better than for stover, and cobs have 16% more carbohydrates than the stover. We believe that there is a nationwide potential for 5 billion gallons of ethanol if all cobs are collected and converted.

RR: OK, I am going to walk through some numbers here. As you may know, I have been skeptical about the potential of cellulosic ethanol to scale very well. I feel that there are niches in which it will work, but I don't think it works well as a large scale solution.

As you mentioned, average cob yields are 0.65 bone dry tons (1300 pounds) per acre. I have a reference that says the heating value of cobs is about 7900 BTU/lb [RR: Mark agreed that this was correct]. So the total BTU value of the cobs on an acre is about 10 million BTUs/acre, which is also the energy content of 135 gallons of ethanol (ethanol has a heating value of 76,000 BTU/gal). That would seem to be an upper limit on a hypothetical perfect conversion process that could capture 100% of the BTUs. But of course enzymatic processes are not going to convert lignin, and there will be some inefficiencies. My guess is that you probably need 20 pounds or more of cobs to produce a gallon of ethanol (as opposed to 10 pounds for a perfect conversion process), putting the actual yield at around 65 gallons per acre. I saw someone (not POET) who recently claimed cellulosic from corn cobs would increase per acre yields by about 110 gallons per acre, but based on the BTU value I don't think that's possible.

MS: Yes, I think that 110 gal/acre number looks too high. The 20 pound number you came up with looks approximately correct. We can get 85 to 100 gallons per ton with our process but operate mostly in the high eighties and low nineties at present. We are drying and burning the lignin for fuel, but in addition to the cellulose we are also converting the hemicellulose to ethanol.

[RR: OK, so 85 gallons per ton is equal to 55 gal/acre, and 100 is 65 gal/acre - which is the number I had worked out. Incidentally, I think the difference between a skeptic and a cornucopian is that the skeptic will look at that range and say "OK, realistically speaking they probably get 85 gallons/ton on a good day, and they think they can push it to 100 gallons if they continue to push the envelope." The latter will claim matter-of-factly that their yields are at least 100 gallons/ton.]

RR: OK, I did not know you were converting the hemicellulose. What is the percentage of cellulose and lignin in the cobs?

MS: The cellulose plus hemicellulose is upwards of 60%. Lignin is about 15%.

RR: One of the keys to success for a cellulosic ethanol process is to increase the concentration of ethanol in the crude product. Historically this has been in the 3-4% range for cellulosic ethanol, and I don't believe that will be commercially practical. The energy required to purify a solution in that range would be comparable to the energy contained in the ethanol. [RR: Of course with waste heat or very cheap BTUs, you might be OK to do it anyway]. So can you discuss the sorts of ethanol concentrations you are getting?

MS: First of all, I agree with your comments on ethanol in the 3-4% range. While we have not released information on our cellulosic ethanol titers, they are lower than those for corn ethanol. On the other hand we have some of the highest corn ethanol titers in the business; we can achieve greater than a 20% ethanol solution from corn. But we are better than the 4-5% range for our cellulosic process. Also, there is sufficient energy in the solid waste stream and the liquid stream to provide more than enough energy to power our cellulosic process.

RR: Don't you have problems with the enzyme activity diminishing at higher ethanol concentrations?

MS: We do not see enzyme activity as a rate limiting step with respect to ethanol tolerance.

RR: Beyond the energy required to process the cellulosic ethanol, there is the fuel required to gather and transport the corn cobs. Along those lines, one of my readers wondered about the radius to the plant in which the logistics are still economical. His comment was that he heard that shipping costs for cobs are twice as costly as the grain because they are so bulky.

MS: We can go out to a 25-35 mile radius; about the same as corn.

[RR: I suspect if you did the analysis for cobs by themselves, collecting cobs and transporting them from 35 miles away might not be worth the fuel value of the subsequent ethanol produced.]

RR: Do you have a feel for how many BTUs is required to produce a BTU of cellulosic ethanol?

MS: We have some idea of those numbers, but haven't released them. [RR: I think he said they are waiting for more results from their pilot plant, and they are working on getting better numbers.]

RR: Another question from a reader: "Will they contract with producers and what will the terms be?" I think I know the answer to this, because I read an article yesterday in which Poet spokesman Nathan Schock said that this hasn't been fully determined. [RR: Here is the article: Iowa plants to offer farmers cash for corn cobs.]

MS: Nathan was correct; we have contracted with some farmers for fall harvest but we don't know where the economic sweet spot for everyone involved is going to be.

RR: I would think you would hold those numbers close anyway, or all farmers will be holding out for the highest published price.

MS: Yes, that is a key point.

RR: (I asked if another reason for focusing on cobs over stover was related to concerns about soil depletion. I also incorporated another question from a reader): "Ask POET what they think of cellulosic from corn stover. They seem to say that stover has too many collection and handling problems (dirty, low density, etc), and that is one reason they are concentrating on cobs only. Many others assume corn stover will be the primary source of cellulosic feedstock."

MS: We don't have to leave all stover in the field necessarily over soil depletion issues; we have just chosen to focus on cobs. How much one can remove depends on soil type, location, and tillage practice. Cobs take those variables away.

RR: Is your ethanol purification compatible with existing corn ethanol infrastructure? I would think that with a higher water concentration you could go into your corn ethanol distillation system, just at a lower feed location.

MS: A cellulosic plant will be a bolt on to an existing corn ethanol plant. But we will have a better efficiency if we don't intermingle the streams with corn ethanol because we don't want to get things like lignin in our corn ethanol distillation train. So it is better to have separate distillation trains. The infrastructure will be more of what you see in common (utilities, logistics in and out, etc.).

RR: Why not just use the cobs to produce steam for the corn ethanol process? Have you done comparative studies on that?

MS: We are doing that today as well. We are using other renewable biomass to fuel a solid fuel boiler at Chancellor, South Dakota. This is a 100 million gal/yr facility. We are also using landfill gas in a multi-purpose boiler.

RR: What is the quality of the methane from your digestor? Do you have to clean it up?

MS: We have two applications for our biogas. One is for overall energy, and the other is fuel for the dryers. We are just finishing up our 3rd month of operation. The boiler that we have developed can handle the biogas that is produced.

RR: How many engineers are working on Project Liberty?

MS: Between the lab and pilot plant, we probably have 25 scientists and engineers.

RR: Is your pilot unit fully integrated? Is the pilot process fully connected?

MS: We are completely integrated from cob collection through ethanol production and recycle streams. We have a 24/7 operation with 4,000 data points collected. The pilot plant has been running since about Nov 18, 2008.

RR: One of the things that I strongly believe is that if the corn ethanol industry is ever going to break free from endless subsidies, you have to get the fossil fuels out of the process to the greatest possible extent. The sugarcane ethanol producers are more immune to the ups and downs of fossil fuel prices because of the large role bagasse plays in providing fuel for their process. So it feels like you are headed down the right path here, even though natural gas prices aren't exactly a pressing concern for ethanol producers right now.

However, it might be that you have enough waste energy to fuel your process, but most of the BTUs are used up in the conversion, leaving very little ethanol. So in a case like that the question becomes, "Are you left with a small net amount of ethanol, or a very small net amount of ethanol?"

[RR: For example, if you had one BTU of biomass, and consumed 0.9 BTUs to produce 0.1 BTU of liquid fuel, you could say that you have gotten the fossil fuel inputs out, but you have produced very little fuel and were very inefficient with the utilization of the BTUs. In that case you could ask if there might have been a better use for that BTU of biomass.]

MS: The energy from our waste streams should be sufficient to power the 25 million gal/yr cellulosic plant and nearly power the 50 million gal/yr starch plant next door.

[RR: To me this was the most significant statement he made during the interview. If an added benefit is that you are also powering your corn ethanol plant with the energy produced from the cellulosic process, you have a very powerful synergy. But I admit that I have a bit of a hard time with this one. I would like to really dig into the energy balance, because it doesn't seem to me like there are enough BTUs. If I go back to my analysis of 10 million BTUs/acre available from the cobs and you back out 65 gallons of ethanol produced from the cobs, that would only leave you with about 5 million BTUs per acre to power both a cellulosic plant and a corn ethanol plant. If I make a couple of reasonable assumptions, it looks to me like they are assuming only 30,000 BTUs of energy input per gallon of ethanol production. This seems on the low side, but is perhaps reasonable when the ethanol yields from the cobs are on the low end of the range - leaving >30,0000 BTUs/gal for running the process.]

RR: When you are out front with a technology, there are always risk factors. What are some of the risk factors that you have identified that might keep you from meeting your goals?

MS: First is the absence of a market for cellulosic ethanol. The blend wall from E10 really limits the cellulosic market.

RR: OK, that's market risk. How about technical risk?

MS: We must have farmers and equipment manufacturers engaged; we need a solution in which both sides can make money. We need programs early on to help biomass collectors overcome the risk. How many cobs can you get in a truck? The logistics become important. There is also the issue of inventory management. The annual supply of cobs for a 25 million gal/yr cellulosic plant would require a silo the size of the Empire State Building. We need to decentralize this, and we need as high a throughput into the reactor as possible.

RR: Gentlemen, that's about all the questions I have, although I will probably come up with 10 more when I am writing this up.

MS: Feel free to contact us for any followups.

RR: Thanks guys. Appreciate you taking the time.

Incidentally, I will be away from the computer for most of the day and unable to comment, but Mark Stowers did drop by to answer a few follow-up questions in my blog:

Mark Stowers, POET said...

Some great comments. Thanks for taking time to get engaged. Let me respond to a couple of questions.

(Responding to a comment that if he is for real he should book his tickets for Stockholm and the Nobel Prize): First off -- tickets aren't booked for Stockholm - cellulosic ethanol is a real challenge, but I don't think that hard work and passion for renewable fuels qualifies for the Nobel Prize. Let's reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

(Responding to a comment about building a silo the size of the Empire State Building): With regard to cob storage, the Empire State Building is a way to visualize the amount of cobs needed in a year. We will be storing cobs on farms and other locations off site and will draw on our needs for feedstock like what we do with corn today (and you can get and need to get more cobs on the truck than that said in one of the comments).

A second question related to ethanol titers -- we do get more than 20% and the other dry mill ethanol producers probably 17%. Our process is different -- we don't cook the starch which allows better fermentation conditions with 8-12% less energy.

I hope to make a trip up there at some point, and if I have to sign an NDA to dig into the numbers I will do that. I would really like to understand the fine details of what they are doing, even if I can't report on it.

Excellent interview, RR. But I am surprised that you did not ask at one point how long Poet thinks the government should be paying out $1.01 per gallon ($1.50 per gallon of gasoline equivalent) in producer tax credits for cellulosic ethanol. Do they really feel that it is sustainable to scale up production at that rate of subsidy?

Should the government be subsidizing the use of private automobiles -- and that is what gasoline and ethanol are used for mainly -- at that kind of rate. At the extreme end, if all gasoline consumption were to be replaced by home-grown cellulosic ethanol, the subsidy burden on the federal government (i.e., taxpayers) would be $200 billion per year ... indefinitely.

But I am surprised that you did not ask at one point how long Poet thinks the government should be paying out $1.01 per gallon ($1.50 per gallon of gasoline equivalent) in producer tax credits for cellulosic ethanol. Do they really feel that it is sustainable to scale up production at that rate of subsidy

That is a good question, Ron. However, I did ask readers of my blog on two separate occasions, and once here on TOD, if they had questions for POET. So my conclusion is that you should read my blog more often. :)

Fair point.

I noticed they are using anaerobic digestion to produce biomethane to improve the energy balance of the process. If they concentrated on just making biomethane the energy balance would be improved even further.


You are so onto something! :-)

I have been making the case here on TOD for the last two years that methane seems to be the great alternative that almost no one wants to talk about. It is astounding...the infrastructure requirements are far less than any other biofuel, it uses straight out of the box technology to digest, it is clean, it would blend right into the natural gas system, it would capture a greenhouse gas, it would reduce water pollution from agriculture, it woul help us salvage the internal combustion engine long enough to "age out" the investment we have in it's development, it works perfectly in combination with the plug hybrid idea, on and on and on...

One can visualize cars that are built with essentially compressed natural gas engines and a plug hybrid drivetrain, with recaptured from waste product methane/natural gas engines used as performance/range enhancing engines, clean, smooth, efficient...given the efficiency we could run a huge fleet of vehicles on a relatively small amount of methane. The promise is there, but it just don't use enough infrastructure, it just don't create enough "make work" waste.

Oh well. Once more the Europeans are miles out in front of us.


If your car had a natural gas fuelled engine acting as a range extender, when it was in your garage it would also be a co-generation unit. It wouldn't be economic to run all the time, but as back up and for peaking it would be a handy thing to have.

Biogas is the least bad biofuel, it will never replace fossil fuels but solves many problems with nutrient recycling as you mentioned.

A previous comment on the same subject with some links that may be of interest.

It would seem possible that a higher proportion of cobs could be harvested than grain, ie grain from 10,000 acres and cobs from 20,000 acres, so that cobs could provide all of the energy needed for both cob and grain ethanol, or is it important to source both from as small a region as possible to reduce transport costs?

What is the bottom line then for ethanol gallons/acre assuming national average yields using both cobs and grain from the same acres ?

On average cob leftovers from a bushel of corn are worth about 91000 BTU. After conversion maybe getting like three quarts more of ethanol out of a bushel of corn.

What about the safety risk?

There are a lot of well funded eggheads out there trying to develop something that turns global food carbohydrate to alcohol. We can only hope it always dies outside the reaction vessel:

Thanks for this article, Robert.

One would think that having the farmers combust the cobs onsite and drive a steam turbine generator would get around the energy required to transport the cobs to an ethanol refinery, process it, then transport the ethanol throughout the distribution chain. (see page 4 for the energy input sources)

This would be carbon neutral, the ash would be a soil nutrient, and the local power grid would benefit from a local power source (less transmission loss, better local grid stability).

Crop residue is necessary to maintain enough organic matter in soil to improve water retention and keep the soil loose ro friable. Without crop residues a lot of farmland will turn into something you can make bricks out of.

I have seen figures (V. Smil I believe) showing that 50% of all biomass is harvested already.

It sure is a relief to see that at least one engineer type has bothered to learn enough basic ag to consider some of the problems that are so often overlooked with biofuels in general and ethanol in particular.

I haven't yet seen any figures that convince me that corn ethanol is worth the effort,given the amount of energy that goes into producing the corn and processing it into alcohol.

It does result in turning some coal into liquid fuel,in a roundabout way.

But we would be far,far better off putting the subsidy money in to conservation.

Maize biomass has increased many times from the 1930's when grain yields were 30bu/acre. This means that much more residues are being produced now and retained with minimum till, even if corn cobs are removed. Don't forget the considerable root biomass that is never removed. This alone would be greater than the entire biomass of crops grown in 1930's.

Ideally the trucks and corn harvesting machinery would all run on ethanol. Furnace ash and digester sludge would be returned to the soil with minimal additions of synthetic NPK. Animals fed on distillers grains from the 'traditional' plant would not be confined. If these things can't be done then it has no future when oil is gone.

If a small scale gasification based approach can't improve the net energy then I'd say ethanol is a dead end. The current approach is just make-work. It also seems to me some corn growing areas are perilously close to a major crop failure.

any long term analysis like this should be inclusive of risk adjusted return - i.e. mean divided by standard deviation (due to weather uncertainties/impact on crops).

My ears are burning! :-)

In my previous comment I mentioned that I thought that Broin's process would raise ethanol production from 439 gal per acre to 548 gal per acre based on a 27% increase in yield from the Project Liberty press release.

548-439=109 gpa for cellulosic ethanol from corn cobs AND stover(fiber), which you report as a 'cornucopian' 110 gpa.

But wasn't Stowers talking about corn cobs WITHOUT fiber collection (not worth the effort even though Poet's process can process it)?

However where Stowers says

We can get 85 to 100 gallons per ton with our process but operate mostly in the high eighties and low nineties at present.

You report

Incidentally, I think the difference between a skeptic and a cornucopian is that the skeptic will look at that range and say "OK, realistically speaking they probably get 85 gallons/ton on a good day, and they think they can push it to 100 gallons if they continue to push the envelope." The latter will claim matter-of-factly that their yields are at least 100 gallons/ton.]

A good day would be 100 gallons per acre and a bad day would be 85 gallons per acre and I accept that
Poet is getting high eighties to low 90's (on average maybe 92.5?).

And this is POET's first pilot plant!

Is it reasonable to conclude that this process has reached its limit???

I matched up an ethanol production number from a Missouri site for corn ethanol with a Broin press release. But let's assume an average of 92.5 gallons per acre, assuming a base of 439 gpa for corn ethanol, that means the increase would be (439+92.5)/439 = 1.21, a 21% improvement per acre.

Corn yields in Illinois were around 190 gallons per ton; 190 x 2.6=494 gallons per acre. If you add on YOUR 'reasonable' 85 gallons per acre(corn cobbs only) you get 579 gallons per acre which is 87% of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol( 662 gpa), which you have described before as a special case biofuel far superior to corn ethanol.

R2, don't you find it STUNNING that sugar cane grown in a tropical country barely outproduces US corn ethanol with the corn cobbs thrown in.

The reason all this is important is that cellulosic ethanol will eventually be an energy crop, not food.

The champ of energy crops is Miscanthus at +15 tons per acre in Illinois or at 85 gallons per ton is a potential 1275 gallons per acre. Switchgrass grows in the south at 7 tons per acre, in Nebraska at 3.4 tpa.

Clearly cellulosic ethanol can go a long way unlike the gasified dried wood of Choren.

Mark Stowers isn't doing miscanthus or switchgrass but under the mandate he can only produce 15 billion gallons of corn ethanol anyways(with a extra 3.15 billion gallons of corn cob ethanol thrown in).

BTW, SunDiesel with a density of .7612 was tested at 19168 Btu/lb or 8.34 lb/gal x .7612 x 19168 Btu/ lb net= 121,686 Btu per gallon ~121,700 which I mentioned.

"so at 121700 Btus per gallon(per Argonne)"

You are quoting biodiesel numbers. SunDiesel isn't biodiesel; it is chemically the same as petroleum diesel.--R2

You might want to ask Choren why they told you that SunDiesel was the same as petroleum diesel. It's not.

Walking out the door for the rest of the day in 20 minutes, so not much time. A few comments, though.

A good day would be 100 gallons per acre and a bad day would be 85 gallons per acre

No, you are conflating gallons per ton with gallons per acre. 100 gallons per ton is 65 gallons per acre, and typical then is more like 55 gallons per acre - about half the number you suggested.

A good day would be 100 gallons per acre and a bad day would be 85 gallons per acre and I accept that Poet is getting high eighties to low 90's (on average maybe 92.5?).

This is the sort of thing I was referring to. Not only have you conflated acres and tons, but you consistently make sometimes unwarranted extrapolations from what you are told. You take the best case and throw in a bit more, which is not the way these things usually work out. One thing I have learned in my years of technology development is that it is best to make conservative estimates, because all kinds of things go wrong. Just looking at that number - high eighties to low nineties - if you are assuming anything over 90.0 you are tipping off your biases.

R2, don't you find it STUNNING that sugar cane grown in a tropical country barely outproduces US corn ethanol with the corn cobbs thrown in.

That's based on an error that you have made. Further, you always look at gross energy and not net energy. Corn has a much higher fertilizer demand. That fertilizer is made from natural gas. Those are the sorts of things you have to consider when comparing the two.

Clearly cellulosic ethanol can go a long way unlike the gasified dried wood of Choren.

Completely untrue. But I can see how with an error here and an error there you could conclude that. The net yield of a Choren process is significantly better than that of a cellulosic ethanol process - no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Further, Choren has many years of operating their process in Germany, and as such they have a much lower risk of technical failure than some of the newcomers.

I have already pointed out errors in your analysis of Choren versus cellulosic. One of these is to ignore net energy, and another is that you ignore the heat and electricity produced by the Choren process.

You might want to ask Choren why they told you that SunDiesel was the same as petroleum diesel. It's not.

I don't have to ask Choren. I have that information. From your own link, the BTU value of SunDiesel was higher than for conventional diesel in California on a mass basis, and about the same on a gallon basis. SunDiesel, unlike biodiesel, is composed of hydrocarbons (just like petroleum diesel) and as such can be blended in any quantity with conventional diesel (again, unlike the limitations of biodiesel, which is an oxygenated compound). Because petroleum diesel consists of many different components, "chemically the same" means similar hydrocarbons, not that the composition is identical (the exact composition of diesel will always vary). You can't say that biodiesel is chemically the same.

That's all I have time for, but clearly enough to point out the consistently over-optimistic bias in your analyses (unless we are talking about something you don't like, such as a Choren process, and then you swing the other way).

Okay R2, I forgot to convert(or was it just a sly cornucopian trick as you may think?).

Stowers said .65 tons of cobbs(no fiber) per acre so 85 gals per ton x .65= 55 gallons per acre on an average bad day, 65 gallons per acre on an average good day.

I admitted that I used data from Missouri and Illinois along with POET results. Perhaps Broin will provide an more accurate comparison.

This report says Iowa gets about 190 bu/acre with corn following soybeans and 181bu/acre with (the more probable) corn following corn in 2007.

If the process raises ethanol yield by 58 gallons per acre that means that part of Iowa produces 526 gallons of ethanol(2.6 x 181 +55) per acre or 79% off tropical Brazilian sugarcane ethanol(corn and cobbs only).
Even you have to admit that is impressive.

Evidently, you are not impressed that cellulosic ethanol with switchgrass and miscanthus even at 55 gallons per ton could produce more ethanol than brazilian sugar cane, i.e. 55 x 15t/a = 825 gallons per acre versus 662 gal per acre, or southern switchgrass 55 x 7 t/a = 385 gallons per acre as good as ethanol in many places(even dried-out 100 degree Texas scrub could do 1-2 tons per acre could eke out +80 gallons per acre).

Just looking at that number - high eighties to low nineties - if you are assuming anything over 90.0 you are tipping off your biases.

How's that? I use the mathematical average and you use the lowest value of 85 gallons per ton( and on a pilot plant to boot).
Doesn't this show your bias. Perhaps you discount anything said about ethanol as wildly optimistic.

You make a point that corn is stored bone dry.
Dry corn feed is 15% moisture to prevent spoilage, while dry wood is 6% moisture. I don't see how dried corn cobbs need to be stored as they aren't food maybe that should be clarified. Is it specified by POET?

From your own link, the BTU value of SunDiesel was higher than for conventional diesel in California on a mass basis, and about the same on a gallon basis.

Reread the results.

The California diesel is 12% heavier at .8514 so it works out to 131199 Btu/gal versus SunDiesel at .7612 making 121686 Btu/gal, so you are flat wrong about SunDiesel having more energy per gallon than California diesel. That's 8% less energy per gallon.

In another place I find that #2 diesel is 129,500 BTUs per gallon and B100 is 118300 BTU per gallon.

Therefore SunDiesel at 121700 BTU/gal has 2.8% more energy per gallon than B100 and 6.4% less energy than #2 diesel. So it looks far more like biodiesel than #2 diesel and isn't a 2.8% difference 'almost the same' as biodiesel.

And doesn't it makes sense that SunDiesel, made from shorter chain, lighter molecules rather than heavy oil feedstock would be less dense and more like biodiesel?

The net yield of a Choren process is significantly better than that of a cellulosic ethanol process - no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Further, Choren has many years of operating their process in Germany, and as such they have a much lower risk of technical failure than some of the newcomers.

Choren's new plant will produce 18 million liters of SunDiesel and 45 MW of electricity.

18E6liters x 121700/3.78 + 45000 kw x 8760 hr x 3412 Btu/ 40%? efficiency =68000 tons of dry wood x 18.8 MJ/kg x 1000 x 948 BTU/MJ=1.21 E12 Btus.

So 1212 billion Btus of wood input energy
produces 579 billion Btus of Sundiesel
plus 3,363 billion Btus of electricity?


So the 45 MW cannot be running continuously. It cannot be running more than 1650 hours per year; (1212-579)E9/(45000 x 3412/.4)=1650 hours and probably much less as there must be many
thermal losses even in the SunDiesel process.

The overall efficiency of the SunDiesel 'refining' system is apparently 579/1212=48%(optimism?). And what about drying all that wood? (Didn't I see a flow chart directing natural gas to the drying process?)

Have you completely bought Choren's claims?

Its 90 year old technology can never significantly advance unlike cellulosic ethanol where new possibilities are everywhere, new high ethanol microbes, enzymes, new plant varieties, molecular sieves for cutting the last few percentages of water,low temperature heat recovery, etc.

I will admit I do have a bias--against technological deadends like Fischer Tropsch.

I find bio-oil with the sequestration of bio-char a much more interesting use of biomass gasification.

You are compounding your errors.

Stowers said .65 tons of cobbs(no fiber) per acre so 85 gals per ton x .65= 55 gallons per acre on an average bad day

Which is half the number you threw out there. So let's brush the 100% overestimate under the rug and move on to the next one.

Evidently, you are not impressed that cellulosic ethanol with switchgrass and miscanthus even at 55 gallons per ton could produce

Well when they do, and they can produce ethanol commercially, we can discuss it. My prediction? We won't ever have to discuss it.

How's that? I use the mathematical average and you use the lowest value of 85 gallons per ton( and on a pilot plant to boot).

No you didn't. The mathematical average of high eighties (87, 88, 89) and low nineties (90, 91, 92) is certainly not 92.5. That would be more like an average of low to mid nineties. So you took what he said and applied an optimistic bias.

so you are flat wrong about SunDiesel having more energy per gallon than California diesel.

That's another careless error of yours. That's not what I wrote. If this is the way you deal with most people, it is easy to see how you can come to some of the conclusions you do. You hear what you want to hear and then apply your filter. I said it had higher energy content on a mass basis, and this is true. I said "about the same" on a per gallon basis, but I was rushing out the door and didn't pick up my calculator. I just knew it would be close. But I did not say what you wrote above.

So it looks far more like biodiesel than #2 diesel and isn't a 2.8% difference 'almost the same' as biodiesel.

Looks far more like biodiesel? They are completely different kinds of compounds! Biodiesel is oxygenated. It would be classified as a pseudo-diesel equivalent. But it is not a full equivalent because it isn't the same type of compound, and has cold weather issues. Not so with the BTL diesel. Those are hydrocarbons.

And doesn't it makes sense that SunDiesel, made from shorter chain, lighter molecules rather than heavy oil feedstock would be less dense and more like biodiesel?

You were OK until that last phrase. The density has nothing to do with being "like biodiesel." Again, biodiesel is an oxygenated compound. Regular diesel and BTL diesel are hydrocarbons, and some of the hydrocarbons will be common to both. It's just that all of them aren't.

Its 90 year old technology can never significantly advance unlike cellulosic ethanol

LOL! Cellulosic ethanol is 90 year old technology. I will just ask you again to point to a country that turned to cellulosic ethanol as a fuel replacement in a time of national crisis. I can point to two countries that turned to FT. So we know it works, and it works at scale. The real issue is high capital costs. Nobody has ever done cellulosic ethanol at scale, but that doesn't stop you from embracing it as a better solution. Then again, I think I have demonstrated here that your mind has a bias that makes a lot of favorable errors when evaluating the technologies you like, which of course makes them seem better than they are.

I find bio-oil with the sequestration of bio-char a much more interesting use of biomass gasification.

That is definitely an area of promise, and maybe it is ultimately a more interesting use. Too early to tell for sure, but this is an area I will be working on.

On the question of hauling the cobs, I have to wonder if it would not be a good idea to use some type of compacting equipment to compact the cobs into small dense bales that could be more easily transported?
They should be able to reduce a cubic yard of cobs to less than a cubic foot. The question would be whether it would take more energy to compact the cobs before transport and uncompact them at the ethanol plant than to transport the cobs in their natural state?

From a farmer's point of view the corn cob based cellulosic ethanol issue is becoming clearer. I have been very skeptical in the past and can now see that my skepticism was justified.

If the price is going to be $50 per ton and the yield is .65 ton/acre that would be $32.50 additional income per acre. I grow 114 acres of corn each year. So my additional income would be $3,705 if I sold the cobs to Poet. Poet has an ethanol plant 14 miles from my house but it is not the corn cob pilot plant.

It looks as though the farmer is expected to provide the storage for the cobs until needed as is the current case with corn. If cobs are like corn there will be a moisture test that they have to meet. No purchaser is going to pay $50/ton for wet cobs that have been stored outside in the rain. So that means I will need a large shed of some kind to cover them from the weather.

And in addition I will need some kind of elevator to get the cobs in the shed since cobs will not work in the augers I use for corn. Then there will be the problem of loading them up. Cobs do not flow like corn. That means I need some kind of large loader which is not cheap. This is all in addition of the special combine attachments to separate the cobs from the corn. I'm pretty sure that these will only fit newer combines. My combine is 35 years old.

Then there is the cost for fuel for taking them to the ethanol plant. Since cobs are bulky and relatively lite compared to corn that means lots of trips with my little F700 truck that gets 5 MPG of gas. With corn the elevator is 8 miles away. But the cobs would have to go much further since the ethanol plant is further away. So in my case that would mean at least double the fuel for transporting them.

For $3750 no small corn farmer in his right mind is going to save his cobs for ethanol. Perhaps a large farmer with 1000 acres of corn could pull it off if he can use Sec. 179 write offs of the additional equipment required. But most of these guys are at wits end trying to get their corn crop in before the snow flies and most barely get it done. They are not going to fuss with corn cobs either unless the price is much higher.

There is no something for nothing in cellulosic ethanol. The feed stock may look cheap, but the infrastructure and additional labor requirements actually make it more expensive. Corn cob ethanol will fail.

This is the kind of detail that seems to get lost in the first analysis by the company thinking they can buy the cobs for next to nothing. Thanks!

Hi X, thanks for your analysis. I have a question about your need to have equipment to separate the cobs from the corn. Don't you do that already? Or do you store then take corn-on-the-cob to your elevator 8 miles away? What happens to the cobs currently? Thanks - JN2

To answer your question current machines have the stover and the cobs come out mixed together and dumped on the ground.

Some special purpose equipment is currently manufactured which harvests the whole ear. The whole ear product is harder to handle because it does not flow as easily as the grain and is less dense. Currently this is used to harvest seed corn which justifies the higher costs. At a central location the cob and the grain are seperated giving a stream of pure grain and pure cob.

There are a few more factors you need to deal with.

The combines run at a fixed speed usually. They do not like to stop and off load their bin. So they use 'auger' wagons and the combine off loads into them and they run this full to the waiting tractor trailer which hauls the output off site. To market at a grainery or to the farmers bins.

So if the combine is somehow handling shelled corn plus the cobs in some sort of retention system then another auger wagon of some type and style will also be requried plus perhaps modified trailers to handle a different product than just shelled corn.

The cost of this modified combine is likely to be quite huge as well.

All hinderances to getting that shelled corn harvested will be costly in time and energy as well.

The flayers on the back of the combine will have to be altered as well. They now tend to shatter the cobs and spread them evenly about the fields.

The lack of cobs as fertilizer value means that even more N,P,K will have to be supplied and that is not a fixed, but a changing the farmer buys in to this whole scheme but later it becomes unfeasible economically and so the farmer then??????? Does what?

You are right that only very big acreage farmers might consider this. In my part of the world we do many acres but the largest I am aware of is about 5 thousand and that is not normal at all. More like 2,000 and much of that is of course rented , and rented means that you could lose it very easily, even on a owner's whim or sellout or change of ownership.

Some of land rental is contracted and some it not. I never signed a contract when I rented mine and never would either. But I never had thousands of acres either.

Right now land is going to be going out of production due to several factors that I recently heard of. The subsidies are going to be drying up ,,word has it. And the taxes are going to be going up as well.....also heard and discuseed and the reason why is that the budget will require tax money to come from somewhere and farmers will be paying an increaseing amount and far far more apt to be audited.


I don't think storage and transport are a problem:

Chemical and Engineering News, April 2009:

"Sturdevant is optimistic that Poet can find a way for farmers to easily gather cobs when they harvest corn. ... The farmers would pile the cobs on the edge of their fields for collection by Poet or a third party."


Can someone quantify the energy inputs to the cellulosic process in terms of gals per acre? A range is ok. For example, if you produce 85 gals per acre, are you using 10 gals per acre of energy inputs or 75 gals per acre? This seems to be the central question.

Perhaps it would be helpful to break up the inputs into the fixed (distillation) and variable (transportation) inputs.

Robert & Realist. corrected in following post

Robert & Realist. Following are some recent articles/abstracts exploring net energy potentials.

Improvements in Life Cycle Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Ethanol, Adam J. Liska, Haishun S. Yang, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Daniel T. Walters, Galen E. Erickson, and Kenneth G. Cassman, J. Industrial Ecology, 2009, 17 pp

Corn-ethanol production is expanding rapidly with the adoption of improved technologies to increase energy efficiency and profitability in crop production, ethanol conversion, and coproduct use. Life cycle assessment can evaluate the impact of these changes on environmental performance metrics. To this end, we analyzed the life cycles of corn-ethanol systems accounting for the majority of U.S. capacity to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy efficiencies on the basis of updated values for crop management and yields, biorefinery operation, and coproduct utilization. Direct effect GHG emissions were estimated to be equivalent to a 48% to 59% reduction compared to gasoline, a twofold to threefold greater reduction than reported in previous studies. Ethanol-to-petroleum output/input ratios ranged from 10:1 to 13:1 but could be increased to 19:1 if farmers adopted high-yield progressive crop and soil management practices. An advanced closed-loop biorefinery with anaerobic digestion reduced GHG emissions by 67% and increased the net energy ratio to 2.2, from 1.5 to 1.8 for the most common systems. Such improved technologies have the potential to move corn-ethanol closer to the hypothetical performance of cellulosic biofuels. Likewise, the larger GHG reductions estimated in this study allow a greater buffer for inclusion of indirect-effect land-use change emissions while still meeting regulatory GHG reduction targets. These results suggest that corn-ethanol systems have substantially greater potential to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce dependence on imported petroleum for transportation fuels than reported previously.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews doi:10.1016/j.rser.2009.01.016
An energy analysis of ethanol from cellulosic feedstock–Corn stover

Lin Luo, Ester van der Voeta and Gjalt Huppesa, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands, Available online 12 February 2009.

The shift from fossil resources to renewables for energy and materials production has been the driving force for research on energy analysis and environmental impact assessment of bio-based production. This study presents a detailed energy analysis of corn stover based ethanol production using advanced cellulosic technologies. The method used differs from that in LCA and from major studies on the subject as published in Science in two respects. First, it accounts for all the co-products together and so mainly avoids the allocation problems which plague all LCA studies explicitly and other studies implicitly. Second, the system boundaries only involve the content of the energy products used in the system but not the production processes of these energy products, like refining and electricity production. We normalized the six Science studies to this unified method. The resulting values of the total energy product use in both agricultural production and biomass conversion to ethanol are lower than these literature values. LCA-type of values including energy conversion would systematically be higher, in our case study around 45%. The net energy value of cellulosic ethanol production is substantially higher than the ones of the corn-based technologies, and it is similar to incineration and gasification for electricity production. The detailed analysis of energy inputs indicates opportunities to optimize the system. This form of energy analysis helps establishing models for the analysis of more complex systems such as biorefineries.

If the economic limit source of cobs is a 25-35 mile radius. The farmers within this radius will have a signficant pricing position for cobs since the competition is limited to those farmers within this radius. In order to determine just how significant this position is you would need to know the total potential volume of cobs produced within this radius and the required cob volume to run the plant efficiently. Once a multi million dollar plant is on the ground the owners won't have much bargining power if the ratio of their cob needs, to the supply within this radius is high. I would gather that the price of cobs would eventually escalate. Similar to what happened with corn prices which led to the demise of so many corn ethanol producers.

Doesn't that work both ways? The plant doesn't want to pay to ship cobs across the country but the farmer doesn't want to pay to ship cobs across the country either. So if a deal doesn't get done, it's higher transportation costs for everybody.

It looks like there is strong support for moving the blend wall to E15:

+1 to Obama and the Democrats for getting something right.

You apparently have not read very carefully, this article or RR writings. I suspect you might be a propagandist for the web site you linked to. At least the people at POET energy, unlike you, are open to rational discussion and debate about bio-fuel.

I did a whois search and found that is run by who has a bunch of false news sites that appear to be lackeys or propaganda vehicles for vested big agribusiness. I suspect, but I can't prove it, that big money from groups like Archer Daniel Midland and/or Cargil are behind this organization. (By the way, there was a disturbing--to me-- article about a year ago in the NYT about ADM influence in Obama's campaign and it looks like they are getting repaid if they're upping e10 to e15.)

Best Wishes for E0 until POET energy figures out that corn cob thing.

The "people at POET" are very much in favor of moving the blend wall past E10, as are most in the ethanol industry. There are many other sources of the blend wall situation that report the same things as Perhaps you should read something else to expand your knowledge a bit. Not moving the blend wall when there's billions of gallons of idled capacity would be a mistake IMO.




If and when ethanol can stand on its own feet it will find a ready market,the tech is already collecting dust in Detroits filing cabinets.

For a person who chooses the handle conservationist you seem to be seriously ill informed of the larger consequences of the ethanol road you advocate.

I would like to see the research on cellulosic ethanol succeed,as it will help us out a lot if waste products can be ulitized .

But every one can rest assured that all this talk of producing million ton crops of thisnthat on so called marginal land w/o rain and fertilizer and environmental consequences is bull shit.
Once the camel's nose is in the tent, it's always a case of just a little more.....

When there is money to be had,you can find professors in nearly any subject who will publicly contradict thier own text books in order to collect it.Ditto all others in need of startup expansion financing money for whatever schemes they can think of.

I am not opposed to biofuels in principle,and I think there is a place for them ,especially if for instance they could be produced in an industrial setting from garbage and sewage.

But we don't need to further stress an already overstressed food production system(which is itself unsustainable!) in order to prop up Detroit for another decade or two.

If it is necessary for my nieces and nephews to ride bicycles to work in the future in order to turn the corner on the environment,so be it.

At least that option offers them the reasonable hope of a future!

And for the record,none of the discussion so far accounts for the byproducts of ethanol production ,which help out considerably in balancing the checkbook.

There are lots of ways the government COULD enhance energy efficiency and conservation without the harm exceeding the good.

A sliding scale escalating tax tax on the gross wieght of all new vehicles not used for commercial purposes would be a good place to start.

Another would be to rewrite the subsidy laws that encourage home energy conservation so that lower income home owners could make use of the subsidies.

I've got 6 cars and 2 motorcycles that have been running just fine on E10 (mandated where I live) for several years now. Some of them are more than 20 years old. IDK exactly what vehicles you have "enough trouble" running on E10.

If you want to talk subsidies, perhaps you should recall when Saddam's troops took Kuwait and were massing on the Saudi border. And just how much money we have spent, and continue to spend to keep OPEC in business. I would much rather be subsidizing American farmers and American ethanol industry workers. In fact, the whole "free trade" situation is a crock. Every other country in the world protects their industries except the US. This is one of the main reasons why the US economy is going down the drain. Rather than helping industry, the US government continually comes up with new taxes, new regulations, and new lawsuits. People need to wake up.

I have gummed up carburetors and melted fuel lines and hardened diaphragms on virtually all my older equipment,some if which dates back to the fifties.

Some aluminum parts and "pot metal"cannot be replaced and pits are becoming obvious.

If you read my other comments you will find I have no use for the wars,etc we fight for oil.

But we don't need to shoot ourselves in the feet to keep Detriot happy either.

If we dont get away from the motor culture pretty soon,we've had it.Economically,environmentally,politically.

Incidentally I might have written your comment ten or fifteen years ago.Times change,and even though I am getting old myself,I try to change my own opinions to reflect reality as I see it today.


Back sometime in the early 90s there was a period of time when ethanol was added to the gas blends. Then after some years it ceased and another additive replaced it. MTBE?

Anyway I remember it for my father was having a lot of trouble with it in his Outdoor Power Equipment business and I was helping him rebuild the chain saw carburetors and others such as tillers ,etc.

Yes it was creating havoc with the various lines and tubing. I would find a huge gloop of melted gas lines in the chain saw tanks where the siphon/fuelpickup filter and feed line as located. A real ugly mess and so we went to a product known as Tygon for replacements.

The manufacturers slowly made changes in the assembly lines. I went to their factory schools so that we could continue to be certified for warranty work and keep our dealerships...Stihl,Echo,Sachs Dolmar,etc....

Over time the problem was licked. It was known then that alcohol would disengrate certain material used in the fuel areas of equipment.

Now this is rarely seen anymore. Very rare.

Tygon is your friend. Transparent as well so you can physically see the fuel in the lines. A real help when troubleshooting a saw or whatever. I pick up my new Log Splitter. Getting it from a friend who still runs an Outdoor Power Equipment business in a nearby town.

Lists at $1500 and I get it for a third off that and no taxes.

Honda engine,25" thrown at the ram, 27 ton hydraculics. Something I tried to do without but with the huge amount of fallen timbers here I had to finally realize that it was needed. I prefer to hand split given time and energy. Perhaps I can convert it to ethanol?

Airdale-still a Stihl Tech and have the caps to prove it,plus I kept a lot of my saws,,nothing runs like a good Stihl

I wouldn't switch to ethanol for a small air-coled engine if you can help it. They run leaner, therefore hotter, and engine life can be reduced.

There are a number of reasons pushing the ethanol content of gasoline is a poor idea. They include:
- the problem most frequently mentioned by car hobbyists: that ethanol is incompatible with rubber components used in fuel systems and carburettors until about 1990.
- ethanol accelerates the corrosion of aluminum. I have two cars with aluminum fuel pump bodies.
- ethanol-blended gasoline doesn't store well over a period of months. Gum and varnish production is increased over straight gasoline and filter plugging accelerates.
- "E10 is of debatable air pollution merit (and may in fact increase the production of photochemical smog); offers little advantage in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency or environmental sustainability; and will significantly increase both the risk and severity of soil and groundwater contamination."
- Most current automobiles could experience an out-of-warranty condition if operated on a blend higher than E10.
- ethanol blends are incompatible with the fiberglass gas tanks found in many boats.

I recently had to rebuild the carburator and fuel pump and all new gas line in a 1997 model 50 horse Mercury because the liner in the gas lines desolved. The fiber glass gas tank was replaced 2 years ago when ethanol was mandatory in Houston area.