Help out with the technical side of TOD!

Over the past two years, The Oil Drum has grown from a two-author blog to the behemoth you see before you. We have 20 staff members, 5,000 registered users, 2,000 stories, and 150,000 comments. We get an average of 8,000 unique visitors a day and 20,000 page views.

Of course, we plan to continue to grow and add features to the site, and the transition to Drupal was a necessary first step. We've got some big plans for TOD in 2007, but I can't implement them all on my own. I'm going to need some help to make it happen, so this is a call for volunteers.

These are the qualifications I have in mind:

  • An understanding of The Oil Drum's mission and goals
  • Drupal expertise
  • Proficiency with PHP and MySQL

We can compensate you a little for your time, but your main motivation should be the satisfaction of aiding The Oil Drum's mission. (For the record, I don't make any money from TOD—all ad revenues go back into the site.)

If you're interested, send an email to me at support at theoildrum dot com with your qualifications and if possible, a link to sites you've worked on in the past. Please include the string VOLUNTEER in the subject field.