Classic Post requests?

One of the posts from the "early days" (cough all of seven months ago) that really brought TOD onto the radar screen of the 'sphere was this one by HO:

What other posts on TOD Classic (note the link in the right sidebar) should we revisit or update or talk about some more?

What happened to the comments from the old posts? No offense but I read this sites for the comments as much as the top posts.
The comments on the classic posts are in Haloscan. There is a bug in Haloscan that causes it to report zero comments regardless of how many comments there are.

I encourage you to leave new comments in this story, so you can take advantage of Scoop's superior comment capabilities.

I think this and this were the first posts that I remember reading on TOD, definitely classics on the politics/psychology of PO.
I believe this is the post that brought me to TOD, as It is the first picture in my TOD picture folder. I remember quoting the numbers 10K, 5.5K, and 3.5Km along with 800, 1500, 2300 wells, for 8M bls/d.         I would quote these numbers to those that would not roll their eyes and stare at the ceiling, whenever I brought up the subject of PO.  
You might consider posting a permanent link to the Hubbert Linearization posts.  In my opinion, this has been far and away the most accurate method of predicting peak oil production for a given region.  Most recently, the method was dead on right regarding the North Sea peak--in contrast to Yergin's more optimistic predictions.
I'm actually thinking of making a post that just groups and references all my significant posts so they are easy to find and read in sequence by theme.  The linearization discussions would be one group.  Year-end seems like a good time to do that, but I could maybe update it every month or two.  Is that a good idea?
Yes. Recently explaining peak oil to a local city gov. official I was aware in our local peak meeting we/I were only quoting interpretations of those we trust about Hubbert's theory without really understanding the theory ourselves. I find your descriptions as good as I have found  to communicate to a nontechnical audience,  while still obviously  tied to the specifics of the Hubbert method.
Stuart, a picture is worth a thousand words. Charts and graphs that display the information in a way that non-technical people can understand. Thats the trick. I say do it!
Sounds good to me.

BTW, the only Lower 48 P/Q versus Q plot that I have found so far is on the Wolf at the Door website.  Based on my projection, the Lower 48 peaked at 48% of Qt.    The Lower 48 and the North Sea (at 52%) are the two regions in the world that peaked (without any political upheavals), approximately as predicted, around the 50% mark.   Note that they clustered on either side of the 50% mark.

Rather than doing this in a post, why not create a subject matter FAQ that indexes the best posts?  You have the subject matter "tags," and an FAQ about the site, but an FAQ on peak oil topics that links to classic posts would add a lot of value.  

There is probably enough content on this site for a lengthy book.  An FAQ/index on classic posts would be an excellent resource for newbies to quickly locate the best material in the archives.  

i've felt for some time that a conpendium of charts or informative articles would be useful to readers,since we all do not have photographic memories anymore ;-)), but was reluctant to make the request,since i know the extra work involved in doing it.....but since others are requesting it would be a good idea, esp. for new readers as a way to bring them up to speed, and as an easy reference to point people to.
My humble contribution to spreading the PO word has been in contacting some of the top bloggers/pundits who cover well the top issues of the day--excepting of course PO.  My problem is I haven't found a really good primer that covers the whole territory (including debunking the cornucopians) but that also does NOT turn off a first-time reader with tales of the apocalypse.

People are already up to their ears in information.  We really need a good primer that is succinct and compelling--so that smart people are snared.

Can TOD put together a series of a few posts--the early ones discussed perhaps?--that lays out the argument for PO for the "virgin" reader and won't scare them off?

[The suggest primers to the right don't seem to satisfy the conditions I mentioned.  I like M Savinar's but he's not basic enough and seems (to me anyhow) that he launches into debunking arguments that the first-timer won't get]

The problem is that unless you scare people a little bit, they simply won't care.  There are all kinds of misperceptions out there about how easy it will be to switch over to some other fuel source.  Or people read in the newspaper about a billion barrel discovery and think that our problems are solved.

Then again, you cannot oversell it either.  If you predict firm dates of some sort or another then you run other risks.  Lately I have been telling people that the thinking is that it could be "this decade".

It is extremely difficult to know what strategy will work when bring this topic up to new people.  I've made many horrific mistakes.  

I think it is much easier now that so many familiar media outlets have covered it.  In most cases, I'd give people what format they are familiar with and likely to accept as valid. The key for any information source is do you trust it?  Put yourself in the other person's shoes and ask that question before you present yourself to them.  

The attitude you convey when talking about anything is important.  Do you speak with confidence or are you coming across as pushing something you are desperate to believe yourself?  The further along you are in your own journey of discovery on the topic the better you will be at giving a more dispassionate and credible presentation.  Perhaps if you are just learning about this say so and ask if you can run some ideas by the other person.

I tend to speak very non-chalantly about it now.  "We are probably peaking now or within this decade," with a sort of expectation, implicit in my tone, that this is really not controversial at all.  And because this is what I firmly believe I come across as perfectly honest and straightforward too.  At least I hope so!

Stuart's commentaries on the ASPO USA conference in Denver are in my "most memorable" list.  Stuart distilled some real gems from what was said, and the photos of the speakers brought me closer to actually being there. Thanks again Stuart.
A newcomer to this site I find these two as classic: Who will save us from a 2005 peak?  (Main, Supply/Production)  ; and "Slow Squeeze" re depletion.